Sunday, September 11, 2016

At the Forum

Since June, I've become the president of the Association of Arts and Culture in Crozet, the village where I live. This is an honor but also a responsibility that comes with many obligations!

Today it was the Forum des Associations in Crozet. For those not French, it basically consists on a day where all the Associations in the village expose their activities to the interested public. So our Association was also invited to attend. We organised an atelier of origamis for children, that they could later decorate. Kids had fun, and there was movement all around all the time we were there. I was quite busy helping them doing their monkeys, birds and fishes, but between folding and folding I managed this quick sketch!

Of course I did a first sketch and then got distracted and when I came back to it the ladies talking had moved on and were not talking to each other anymore. So between folding and folding I looked for them while they moved around, and I could finish the sketch. One of the three ladies had left when I had it all done, but the other two, they were happy to recognise themselves.

Lots of work this days... tomorrow, first day of drawing lessons for the older children!

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