Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015 ! 

Happy 2015 from the ATLAS experiment at CERN, with a card I did for the ATLAS Outreach & Education group. The card uses the official typo and color palette of the collaboration. The physics from the experiment is integrated all over the illustration. The card was printed in A5 format to be given to ATLAS members and at CERN, and is being posted in the social media to wish everyone a Happy 2015!

Some details about the various elements in the card:
  • The Higgs very elegantly dressed wishes everyone a "happy 2015". It wears a smoking for the occasion, and it's holding a cup of champagne while toasting for the new year, with lots of bubbles coming out of it, like the many particles that have been detected, and will be, through 2015.
  • Behind the Higgs there's the ATLAS detector, half-hidden in mountains made of histograms (the representation of the data distributions in some given parameter like energy, mass, etc), which represent the Jura and the mountains that surround CERN, as well as the amounts of data the LHC has delivered to the experiments. 
  • On top of the last mountain (histogram) there's the data, following very well the physicists expectations in the left side, but showing an excess (new physics? a discovery?) in the right side. Because this is what physicists wish for the next run, and the next year.
  • The New Year and time for celebration is represented by the many fireworks up in the sky, all made of ATLAS event displays, with the tracks of the fireworks pointing all to the collision point in the center of the detector.

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