Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Urban Sketching in Divonne Les Bains
So nice to go and draw outside after quite few computing work! Yesterday I went to the market in Divonne. It was a beautiful day, not so cold, and so sunny. We walked through the market and ended up in La Place des trois fontaines. While kids where playing, I took a moment to draw. What you can see is a corner of La Place des trois fontaines in Divonne, with a view of the Avenue de Genève at the right.
Très beau de dessiner dehors après des heures du travail sur l'ordinateur! Hier je suis allée au marché de Divonne. C'était une très belle journée, pas très froide, et avec un soleil merveilleux. Nous nous sommes promené par tout le marché, et après nous sommes allées à la Place des trois fontaines. Pendant que les enfants jouaient, j'ai pris un petit moment pour dessiner. Ce que vous voyez c'est un coin de la place, avec la vue de l'Avenue de Genève à droite.
Fantástico salir y dibujar un rato después del trabajo en el ordenador! Ayer fui al mercado de Divonne. Era un día precioso, nada frío, y con un sol maravilloso que parecía el sol mediterráneo. Paseamos por todo el mercado y terminamos en la Place des trois fontaines. Mientras los chicos jugaban, yo me tomé un pequeño momento para dibujar. Lo que podéis ver es un rincón de la plaza, y la vista de la Avenue de Genève a la derecha.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Social posters
A social poster is one with a social message. Through images, social posters can be used to denounce injustice, something abusive, or to celebrate some achievement. The final goal is to make people think about something in particular, and if possible, react about it.
One of the most critical things in our society now is the lack of job for many individuals. Lots of people loose their jobs for a very long time, starting a chain that ends up with the collapse of their lives and themselves. Someone loses his job, then cannot pay the bills, cannot pay the house, cannot pay his food, and eventually becomes alienated from the society, and from himself. Others have jobs that are very little rewarded, and also collapse, in a different way. So our job is that foot that we cannot loose, like in the image below.
See it in
A social poster is one with a social message. Through images, social posters can be used to denounce injustice, something abusive, or to celebrate some achievement. The final goal is to make people think about something in particular, and if possible, react about it.
One of the most critical things in our society now is the lack of job for many individuals. Lots of people loose their jobs for a very long time, starting a chain that ends up with the collapse of their lives and themselves. Someone loses his job, then cannot pay the bills, cannot pay the house, cannot pay his food, and eventually becomes alienated from the society, and from himself. Others have jobs that are very little rewarded, and also collapse, in a different way. So our job is that foot that we cannot loose, like in the image below.
See it in
Personalised birthday cards
Cartes d'anniversaire personnalisées
Tarjetas de cumpleaños personalizadas
Birthday cards with animals, for kids! Here, with elephants.
Cartes d'anniversaire avec des animaux, pour enfants! Ici, avec des éléphants.
Tarjetas de cumpleaños con animales, para niños! Aquí, con elefantes.
Sometimes it is good to be original!
Personalised birthday card, in this example with picture, for a very special occasion.
Parfois c'est cool d'être original!
Carte d'anniversaire personnalisée, ici avec une photo, pour une occasion très spéciale.
A veces hay que ser original!
Tarjeta de cumpleaños personalizada, en este ejemplo con foto, para una ocasión muy especial!
Cartes d'anniversaire personnalisées
Tarjetas de cumpleaños personalizadas
Birthday cards with animals, for kids! Here, with elephants.
Cartes d'anniversaire avec des animaux, pour enfants! Ici, avec des éléphants.
Tarjetas de cumpleaños con animales, para niños! Aquí, con elefantes.
Approx. size A6
Sometimes it is good to be original!
Personalised birthday card, in this example with picture, for a very special occasion.
Parfois c'est cool d'être original!
Carte d'anniversaire personnalisée, ici avec une photo, pour une occasion très spéciale.
A veces hay que ser original!
Tarjeta de cumpleaños personalizada, en este ejemplo con foto, para una ocasión muy especial!
Card cover (back and front), folded size A6, total size A5
Card interior, folded size A6
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Note de presse
Press article
Nota de prensa
La version online peut être trouvée ici: Photo à continuation!
Date: 3 décembre 2014
Press article in La Dauphiné Libéré about the work I did for the Echo du Reculet! (here:
The online version can be found here:, the printed article is just above (in French)
Nota de prensa en La Dauphiné Libéré sobre el trabajo que hice para la Echo du Reculet! (aquí:
La versión online puede encontrarse aquí:, el artículo que se imprimió está justo arriba (en francés).
Friday, November 28, 2014
Cartes de Voeux
Greeting Cards, Tarjetas de Felicitación
Dessin de cartes de voeux, pour ce Noël, anniversaires ou tout autre événement que vous vous imaginez! Souhaitant plein de musique pour la nouvelle année! Vendues en France cette saison par l'Echo du Reculet. Elles seront vendues comme affiches (sur demande) pendant le Marché de Noel de Thoiry le 7 décembre.
Designing greeting cards, for this Christmas, birthdays, or any other reason you can imagine! Wishing lots of music for this new year! Being sold in France this season by the Echo du Reculet. They will also be sold as poster (by request) in the Christmas Market in Thoiry December 7th.
Diseño de tarjetas de felicitación, para estas Navidades, cumpleaños, o cualquier otro motivo que os podáis imaginar! Deseando mucha música para el próximo año! Vendidas en Francia esta temporada por l'Echo du Reculet. También vendidos en formato póster (bajo encargo) en el Mercado de Navidad de Thoiry el 7 de diciembre.
Cats on the roofs
Let's go party together!
Do you want to dance?
Pour en savoir un peu plus sur déroulement des travaux:
Je mets à continuation une photo de moi avec les dessins originaux. Le travail progresse toujours de la même façon: je commence avec des dessins faites à main. Le trait est toujours propre et claire. Après habituellement je scanne les images. Dependant de l'usage je procède a mettre du couleur à l'image tout de suite, avec des varietés de techniques qui vont du crayon ou marqueurs, au acryliques. Dans ce cas, normalement l'usage est bien determiné et on ne prévoit pas des grands enlargements, par example, pour faire des affiches etc. De fois on veut que l'image est bien versatile, alors je vectorise le dessin original et mets du couleur avec l'ordinateur, o bien à main pour re-vectoriser après.
Voilà le processus! Il est toujours composé d'une grande variété d'étapes, qui dependent beaucoup de la destination final du travail!
In my studio, with the original drawings (image credit: Fabienne Cléard)
To know a bit more about the work progress:
The picture above shows me in my studio, with the original drawings I made for these cards. Usually, work progresses in the same way. I start with a drawing, always made by hand, with trace always clean and clear. After that I normally scan the images. Depending on the final use of the work I immediately proceed to color the images, with a variety of techniques that range from the use of pencil colors, markers, to acrylic paints. In this case the final destination of the artwork is well defined, and it is not expected that enlargements of the images will be needed, for example, to make posters. There are times however when we want that the images are very versatile, and allow their adaptation to a large variety of uses. Then I vectorise the original drawing with the computer, and paint it with the computer. Or I paint it by hand to vectorise it again afterwards.
So this is the process! It is always composed of many different stages, that depend a lot of the final destination of the artwork!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Dormir bajo un árbol
Sleep under a tree
Dormir sous un arbre
Entre proyecto y proyecto, estuve pintando un árbol en la pared. Alguien va a dormir siempre, desde esta noche, bajo un árbol!
Between project and project, I've been painting a tree in the wall, for someone will always sleep, from now on, under a tree!
Pendant le temps entre projet et projet, j'ai peint un arbre sûr le mur. Il y a quelqu'un qui va toujours dormir sous un arbre!
Os dejo algunas fotos que ilustran cómo fue progresando el trabajo.
Some pictures below illustrate the work progress
Voilà quelques photos pour illustrer le processus
Tree drawn in the wall
Day 1: First layer of leaves
Day 1: First layer in the trunk
Day 2: Second layer of leaves
Day 2: Second layer in the trunk
Day 3: Third layer of leaves
Day 3: Third layer in the trunk
Day 4: Fourth layer of leaves and finish tree!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Nuit de dessin et de musique
avec l'Echo du Reculet
Aujourd'hui je suis allée dessiner pendant la répétition hebdomadaire de l'Echo du Reculet à Thoiry. J'ai eu une soirée fantastique pleine de bonne musique et de dessin!
Merci beaucoup à l'Echo!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Imprimiendo camisetas!
Printing T-shirts!
When it comes to images, there are endless possibilities. You can choose to hang them in your wall, or you can choose to wear them!
If you want one, contact me!
If you want one, contact me!
Flamingos T-shirt
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Friday, October 3, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Urban Sketching Project:
Vide Grenier Crozet 2014
Sol, gente y muy buen ambiente!
Beaucoup de soleil, beaucoup de gent, trop d'ambiance!
Sun, people and a very good atmosphere!
Vide Grenier Crozet 2014
Sol, gente y muy buen ambiente!
Beaucoup de soleil, beaucoup de gent, trop d'ambiance!
Sun, people and a very good atmosphere!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Momento para celebrar: mi vida, mi opción, mi decisión
Time to celebrate: My life, my choice, my decision
Por el derecho de las mujeres a decidir libremente su maternidad. El aborto no es una opción deseable pero sí el derecho inalienable de las mujeres de decidir por cuenta propia de su cuerpo y sus circunstancias. Por un aborto libre y con garantías.
To defend women’s right to decide about their maternity. Abortion is not something desirable, but is the inalienable right that every woman has to decide by herself about her body and her circumstances. For a right to abort with freedom and with all guarantees.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Cubierta tarjeta felicitación matrimonio
Cover page for a marriage card
Foto de la tarjeta montada
Picture of finished card
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Voilà el Bosón de Higgs
Voilà The Higgs Boson
El superhéroe más famoso del LHC...
The most famous LHC superhero...
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
El villano más villano...
The most villain of all...
Poniéndole cara a la materia oscura: Professor Dark Matter
Giving a face to Dark Matter: Professor Dark Matter
Giving a face to Dark Matter: Professor Dark Matter
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Música, Fiesta y Color
Music, Party, and Color
(junio 2014)
La música se celebra, y ayuda a celebrar. Nos acompaña en la vida, en la naturaleza, en nuestra cabeza. Pongámosle música y color a la vida, celebremos el día de la música el 21 de junio!
Music is celebrated, and helps to celebrate. It accompanies us in our lives, in nature, in our heads. Let's put some music and color to life, and celebrate the day of the music the 21st of June!
Music is celebrated, and helps to celebrate. It accompanies us in our lives, in nature, in our heads. Let's put some music and color to life, and celebrate the day of the music the 21st of June!
Póster para La Fête de la Musique (EMCCE)
Monday, June 9, 2014
El niño y la luna
The boy and the moon
(ilustración para libro infantil)
Por que todos soñamos con esa relación especial y mágica con la luna ...
Because all we dream with that special and magic relationship with the moon ...
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Va de árboles
This is about trees
Porque los árboles dan vida.
Quién no tiene un árbol predilecto?
Because trees give life
Who hasn't got a favourite tree?
Because trees give life
Who hasn't got a favourite tree?
El árbol simboliza la unión y la fuerza, la vida, la esperanza, las raíces, la tierra. Construyamos árboles fuertes y poderosos, dejemos vivir a los que ya existen.
Trees symbolise union and strength, life, hope, roots, earth.
Let's build strong and powerful trees, and let's let live the already existing ones.
Trees symbolise union and strength, life, hope, roots, earth.
Let's build strong and powerful trees, and let's let live the already existing ones.
El árbol da sombra en un día de sol, el viento mece sus hojas y escuchamos su música, nos acompaña durante esa siesta en un día de verano, o en nuestra misma cama, si lo pintamos en la pared
The tree gives us shadow in a sunny day, wind rocks its leaves and we can hear its music, it gives us company in that nap in a summer day, or in our own bed, if we paint a tree in the wall
Friday, May 30, 2014
Otra de pósters
Another poster one
(junio 2014)
Póster promocional para el Coro Mixto Matices, la música a través del color
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Más posters!!
More posters!!
Más posters! Porque una imagen vale más que mil palabras...
More posters! Because an image counts more than a million words...
Concierto Anual Echo Du Reculet con Moya Trombones
MasterClass ofrecida por el grupo musical Moya Trombones
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